Custom Validation


    Here we will demonstrate different type of validation of fields like email, address, etc..
    We use regular expression for each validation
    Also we can give confirm validation like confirm email passwords etc..

    Validation section

    Masking Pattern

    Accept only predefined pattern

    specific pattern like number plate, code etc..

    Default Validations


    This field only accept numbers, also limited the max length to three digit. So maximum number can be entered is 999

    Custom Validations & Confirm Field Validations

    You can add your own validation for fields by regular expressions. Also you can compare two field values by confirm field validator.

    Address with valid format

    1 or 2 alphabetic characters, followed by 1 or 2 digits, then a space and one digit and exactly two alphabetic characters

    Insurance number

    This is also possible with masking pattern, but complicated type of input validations are possible by custom validation with the help of regular expressions.

    Confirm your Insurance Number

    Confirm the insurance number by confirm field validator.

    Your URL *

    This is URL field

    Confirm Your URL *

    Confirmation by confirm field validator


    Create a copy of this demo site and try it out for yourself